How Do I Pay For My File?

We now use PayPal for processing all credit and debit card transactions. PayPal, owned by eBay, has become the global leader in online transaction processing and we believe it provides the best, quickest, easiest and most secure means of payment for our clients. If you'd like to learn more about PayPal, you can visit their website at

We recommend that you send us payment via PayPal at the same time as you send us your application and consent forms - this will enable us to complete processing of your file request quickly and get your request off to CIC as soon as possible. However, if you are mailing your forms to us (which may take a week or two depending upon where you are sending them from), we can contact you for payment when we receive your completed forms.

CAIPS Basic - C$40:

CAIPS Premium - C$60:

CAIPS Premium Interpreted - C$120:

Other Means of Payment

The charges for our services are explained on our price list and in our application kit. We prefer payment via PayPal - it is quick, easy and secure and you can use the service without opening a PayPal account - but if you don't have a credit/debit card or are unable to use PayPal for some reason, please contact us at and we will do our best to accomodate you.

Help - I Don't Understand!

If you have any questions or problems please feel free to email us at